Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Not Hawaii 50, but 5-0 as in I will be 50 on Saturday! When I was a child, 50 was forever old. Whole different story when you get there! One of my grandmothers was 53 and the other was 52 when I was born. And weren't they always very old?

While I wrap my brain around 50, my early birthday gift from my family is this Nikon D3000 camera. I was soooo surprised. But my family knows that I love taking pictures and this is a fabulous digital camera. I've been taking pictures and reading the internet to find out more about this camera and how it works.

Here are a couple of pictures I took. One is a picture of my lab Luke and the other out my front door.

1 comment:

nancygrayce said...

Happy Birthday! 50 is young!!! Especially when you're 57! I love the camera and I know you'll have a blast taking pictures!