Friday, February 3, 2012


My dad is doing so much better.  It has been a long road but he is on the mend.  Currently he is in rehab working on fine motor skills, walking, and resting.  It's a long road after being sedated with a ventilator.  We're just so glad and blessed that he is off the vent and getting better every day.

1 comment:

Suburban prep said...

It is scary when a parent is in the hospital. Glad to hear he is doing better.

I sort of know where you are. This past September (the last day of September), my father had a stroke. He was in ICU and in the cardiac unit of the hospital and then in rehab for about a total of 4-5 weeks. He went to physical, occupational and speech therapy for a number of weeks (actually until just two weeks ago).
In April of 2010, he had a slight heart attack in Greece. He was given the ok to leave after 2 angiograms but that is when the volcano in Iceland disrupted air traffic . He an my mother were delayed by two weeks.

All the best for continued health recovery.