Tuesday, April 10, 2012

American Idol

Are you watching American Idol this season?  I haven't watched this show consistently, but this year I have it recorded and watching all the performances.

Who is your favorite?  I'm a big fan of Phillip Phillips. He seems very authentic and a very different style.  A little like Dave Matthews and Joe Crocker.

Elise Testone is catching my attention more and more.  She also has a very different voice.  She hasn't had a great fan base, so I'm not sure how much longer she will make it.  I would enjoy her staying longer.

The next interesting singer is Colton Dixon.  His style is rock and a little harder than I normally listen to, but he is a great musician as well as singer.  He also wants to go into Christian music, so I'm a fan of that.

I would like Hollie Cavanagh to be the next one to leave.  She is just not very interesting singer to me.  Out of the remaining singers, probably the one hardest to beat will be Jessica Sanchez.  What an incredible voice.  Very disciplined and what a range.  Very pretty girl and seems very nice.  She's just not my favorite.

If you get a chance, check out the rest of the season.  There is some really great singing.  After Hollie is gone, the fans and the judges are going to have a really hard time figuring out who should go.


nancygrayce said...

I don't watch it, but Colton is from my neck of the woods! I have, however, been captivated by The Voice! I have enjoyed it the entire season and can't wait to see who comes out the winner!

Midwest Nest said...

I watched the first season of The Voice and enjoyed it. Just didn't tune in this time. Good music all around.