Sunday, August 19, 2012

Elephant Rocks

There is a State Park in Missouri called Elephant Rocks and it is beautiful, large granite rocks that you climb around. When you get to the top there is a great view of the valley and hills.  Close by is another State Park called Johnson Shut-Ins.  Both are a lot of fun.

Kate, Olive & Cora holding up the rock!  I also did this when I was little as well as my daughter
when we visited Elephant Rocks.  A right of passage!

Cora and Kate posing on top of the rocks

Beautiful view at the top

Johnson Shut-Ins State Park.  Water from the river flows over
the huge rocks.  Always a lot of fun.

The water is pretty low due to the drought we are experiencing

1 comment:

nancygrayce said...

Since I have always lived where it is flat....flat Florida....the picture of the grands holding up the rock made my stomach first thought was oh, hope that doesn't choose right now to fall....Miss Positivity that's me!
