Midwest Mom figuring out the Empty Nest and What's Next. Love, life, service, prayer, family, adventure.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sewing & Cooking

I mentioned in my previous post about finishing up on sewing my new curtains. I found this material at a garage sale for $1 and this is what the end result was. I'm very pleased. This is a bay window in my dining area.
I also mentioned taking a casserole and birthday cake to my son's house for his birthday. He invited over 4 other guys and my daughter and her husband also joined us. We really enjoyed ourselves and enjoyed seeing where he is staying and getting to know some of his friends. He is my youngest child and will turn 22 on Monday. How can that be? He is working to get his Computer Engineering/Computer Science double major completed. We're very proud of both of our kids and how well they are doing and have done academically.
Here is the recipe for my casserole:
King Ranch Casserole
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
To Do
- Volunteer at the hospital tonight. I volunteer every Tuesday evening in the OB Unit. Helping them anyway that I can. Last week I held a baby for a short time! Yeah!
- Make a cake - chocolate or red velvet for my son's upcoming birthday.
- Finish sewing curtains for my kitchen bay window. They are partially up.
- Continue to crochet baby afghan.
- Buy ingredients for son's favorite dinner and start preparations. His dad and I are going to bring dinner to him Saturday night for his birthday celebration. He is staying in a different house this year at school and we haven't seen it yet. Hopefully some of his roommates will also be around to help celebrate and eat the casserole and cake.
- Go out to lunch with my parents tomorrow. They are dropping into town for a doctor's appointment.
- Think about what wall in the living room I want to put my Currier & Ives plates I just bought. (I'll try to take a picture and post after they are up)
- Watch the "View" that I recorded today.
That's all I can think of right now for this week. I guess that is plenty.
Friday, October 19, 2007
I also watched "Survivor". Thursday night seems to be my night for TV. Interesting twist last night. Who's your favorite survivor? I think mine is Frosti at this point. Good kid and seems to know how to play the game both physically and mentally.
Monday, October 15, 2007

Tomorrow I am going to a meeting that Jeannette Walls will be speaking and talking about her book, "The Glass Castle". This is a great memoir and I am looking forward to seeing her and hearing what she has to say.
At the end of the month, I will be attending a prayer conference led by Jennifer Kennedy Dean. She has several books on prayer and is an energetic and knowledgeable speaker. Connect to her website here.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
North Carolina

The next day we visited the Biltmore Estates. Click on this link to read more about the Biltmore Estates. We toured the inside by an audio tour and learned about this historic home.

We packed in a lot of siteseeing in a short period of time. Whew!

Check Out These Sites
- 1000 Awesome Things
- Battery Brains
- By Faith...Ang Baylis
- Continue the Conversation
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- Diva in the Midwest
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- Dulce's Crazy Life
- Embracing My Blessings
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- Giggle & Bits
- Homemade by Jill
- If the Crown Fits
- Jen Hatmaker
- Just Enjoying Life
- Krazy Coupon Lady
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- Long Roads, Beautiful Trails
- Love, Life & Labradors
- Loving Every Moment
- Money Saving Mom
- Motherhood on a Dime
- Mrs. Preppy
- Nesting Place
- Phil and Lacy
- Pink Coupon Cafe
- Refuge Sewing Society
- Ross Christopher
- Schultz Party of Four
- Skip to My Lou
- Snods Abroad
- Southern Hospitality
- The Long Thread
- Too Wonderful for Me
- Wonderings and Wanderings
About Me

- Midwest Nest
- Empty Nest? Who Me? Happened Way Too Fast! Wonderful Hubby and 2 Great Grown Children have helped me move to the other side!