This is a collage of some of the animals we saw while on safari. One of the cutest pictures is that of the baby elephant. Many of these animals were within 6 feet of our vehicle. It was amazing.
My last story related to my trip to Kenya is that I actually became fairly ill the last part of the trip. My throat was really bad and then my stomach felt really bad. My son took most of these pictures while we were on the safari because I really was not up to doing it.
I could not find any medicine combination to help me and by the time we flew back to the U.S., I really didn't know if I would make it. The flight is really long for a person even when you feel tiptop, but for me it was excruciatingly long. After making it home and going to see the doctor as soon as I could, I went through a battery of tests, but they did not find anything seriously wrong. I couldn't eat much of anything the first week back home and missed a week of work. I'm back to good health and was sorry to end a great trip feeling so ill. Even with feeling so ill, I had a wonderful, life changing trip and am so glad that I experienced first hand our church's ministry in Kenya. My husband is going to Kenya again in October and another trip is planned next July.
Our church is currently collecting money for a well to be drilled at the orphanage. A well for the orphanage would be so helpful and is much needed. Please pray for the funds to be collected and the water to be found when drilled.