Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Crescent Island

On Saturday, when the children were out of school, we took the older children from the orphanage to Crescent Island in Naivasha Kenya.  This is a park with wild animals roaming and you walk among them with a guide.  Mostly giraffes, wildabeasts, and zebras - mostly non threatening.  When the children first got into our van, I passed out chewing gum and we had a bubble contest!  Julia won I believe!

The scenery was beautiful and we enjoyed walking around the island with the girls and boys.  They were very well behaved and really enjoyed seeing the animals.  It was a special day for them and us.

One of last year's team members, who is a woman that attends our church, sent along the money to pay for this special day and we thank her.  Money well spent.

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