Saturday, September 6, 2008


I've been sewing and crocheting a little in the past weeks. A friend of mine also became a grandmother of a little girl and her son and wife live on the east coast while he attends medical school. I love to crochet and had this pink yarn in my craft closet, so I made this baby afghan with a frilly edging for the new parents.

I also bought some really fun material at a garage sale not too long ago and made some of the material into slipcovers for these pillows. This is the baby bed Cora sleeps in at out home. I also bought her the cute little cabbage patch doll for her to play with at Grandma's house. I have more of that material but I haven't decided yet what to do with it. I was thinking about somehow using it as background in a picture frame to hang on the wall. I haven't figured that out yet.

I have so many craft projects that I either have already started or have plans to start that I would have to quit my job and do that full time to complete all of them! Well, I guess I have enough projects for this winter anyway!

1 comment:

savvycityfarmer said...

You are way ahead of me....just trying to keep my head above the water...sigh

lovely projects btw